Get To Know The Guys Behind The Modern Hotelier

Get To Know The Guys Behind The Modern Hotelier

We're kicking off our 2023 episodes by getting to know the team behind the Modern Hotelier a bit better. In this episode, David and Steve introduce our producer Jon, and they all ask each other questions. 

We hope you enjoy getting to know the team! Next week we'll be back to our normal schedule of sharing conversations with the best leaders, innovators, and influencers in the industry!

Produced, edited, and published by Make More Media

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Steve Carran

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Automatic Transcription - please excuse any errors

The Modern Hotelier - Episode #28 === David Millili: Welcome to The Modern. Hotelier. I'm your host, David Millili. Steve Carran: and I'm your co-host, Steve Karen. David Millili: As we begin season two, we thought it would be fun to turn the tables and let you get to know us a little bit better. We're keeping the same format this season, but we'll be trying some new things as well. Steve Carran: We were honored to be voted the number four podcast in hospitality by the International Hospitality Institute. Thank you to everyone that voted for us. We'll be accepting sponsorship this year as well, so if you'd like to learn more about that, feel free to reach out. You'll also be seeing a lot more of our producer, John, as well. Jon Bumhoffer: Hello. David Millili: With that being said, let's get to know John a bit better. So John, where did you grow up? Jon Bumhoffer: Grew up in a little town called Pigeon Michigan. David Millili: was your first job? Jon Bumhoffer: first job, 11 years old, picking strawberries for Ann Raspberries for a local winery slash farm. After that, I worked at Dairy Queen. David Millili: Well, What person dead or alive would you take to lunch? Jon Bumhoffer: I would pick Tom Petty, hands down. Favorite, favorite musician growing up, first concert. And my wife and I walked in to American girl at our wedding. We, my mom and I danced to wildflowers for father mother dance, and then on our drive for a honeymoon the next day, found out he passed away. So yeah, so I would take Tom Petty David Millili: Good choice. So when you were a child, who was your celebrity crush? Jon Bumhoffer: This is, okay. I'm gonna see, I don't know the name of this person, but uh, there's a movie, I think it's called Jungle to Jungle with Tim Allen. Steve Carran: Know this movie, Jon Bumhoffer: Okay. The, the, the Teenage Love Interest girl in that movie. I don't, she's not really a celebrity cause I have no idea who she is, but I remember growing up thinking like, that's the one right there. Steve Carran: Karen Kempster. Jon Bumhoffer: Alright. David Millili: That's great. Jon Bumhoffer: All right, so I think, Steve, you're up next. So where did you grow up? Steve Carran: I grew up in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Uh, about 45 minutes outside of Madison. Jon Bumhoffer: All right. All right. So what, what was your first job? Steve Carran: Coincidentally, my first job was also picking strawberries in a, uh, strawberry farm outside of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. At the age of 13 though, so I got a little later start. I also at 13 work part-time at a strawberry patch and part-time at McDonald's because of child labor laws, you can't work 40 hours a week. So I had two part-time jobs to get around that and McDonald's was the worst experience of my life. Jon Bumhoffer: Nice. I wasn't expecting that. All right there we Steve Carran: Bros. Jon Bumhoffer: I know Strawberry Bros. All right. Uh uh, what person dead or alive would you take to lunch? Steve Carran: Oh, Chris Farley. Hands down. Yeah, we'd go to a dive bar in Milwaukee and just hang out all day. It's by one of my favorite people growing up early, Chris Farley SNL with him and David Spade. You know, I loved him. He was. Jon Bumhoffer: That's a good pick. All right. This is this. This question might hurt a little bit, or I mean, it could be an easy answer for you. Where would you like to see Aaron Rogers David Millili: Ooh, that's a good Jon Bumhoffer: Not not, but he can't pick Green Bay cuz we all know you're a Packers fan. Steve Carran: retire. Jon Bumhoffer: So he, he's, he's leaving. Oh, Steve Carran: Retirement. Absolutely. Absolutely. Because if he goes to the Jets after that, he's gonna go to Minnesota and I don't want to deal with that. He's just taking the Brett Farve route, so Yeah. Yeah. So I, if he is not on Green Bay, I, I'm gonna vote Jon Bumhoffer: Feels a little petty, but Sure. Steve Carran: It is. Absolutely. That's to totally fine with that. All right, David, last but not least, here we go. Where did you grow up? David Millili: So I don't have a, a bird or an animal in my, the name of my town, but I grew up in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, uh, which is about 40 minutes north of Philadelphia. And, uh, real quick, when we first moved there, it was pretty interesting cuz it was like kind of like the cow type town. Like every corner there was like farms and now it's just all. Houses and things of that nature. But yeah, about 40 minutes north of Philly. Steve Carran: Awesome. Awesome. And and what was your first job? David Millili: So I, I, I guess I was the, the latest of the bunch. But when I was 14, I became a dietary aid at a nursing home. And I used to serve old people, their dinners and lunches on the weekends. And, uh, the quick story I might have said in one of our podcasts, but it's the only job I ever. Fired from. And when they called me up, I didn't wanna work Christmas. And the woman called on the landline and said, oh, just so you know, this is so and so from Briar Leaf nursing home, your employment with us has been terminated. And I said, okay. And I hung up and I went to my mom. I said, what does that mean? I got terminated. I have no idea what that means. I was like 14. I had no idea what it meant, and that's what it meant. Steve Carran: What did you get fired? David Millili: because I didn't wanna work Christmas, I Steve Carran: that, that's David Millili: holidays. Yeah. Steve Carran: Oh, short leash. Short leash. David Millili: yeah, Jon Bumhoffer: yeah, Steve Carran: Uh, all right. What person dead or alive would you take to lunch? David Millili: so there's a lot of, you know, obviously, you know, celebrities. That's a good one for me, not to, you know, bring down the room. But, so my grandfather passed away 20 days before I was born, so he passed away on New Year's Eve. My birthday's January 20th and so. You know, I got, my parents got married young, so I knew all my grandparent, great grandparents that, you know, were kind of first generation. So I would love, he worked for the cia. he did stuff, he worked like the Republican, uh, national convention in Miami Beach. I have black and white photos. So for me it would just kind of be like that, like that one missing purse family member to kind of figure out kind of like who you are, like where you get kind of your traits from. So that would. Steve Carran: I love Jon Bumhoffer: That's, that's Steve Carran: So, all right. One A. One A or four a, I guess four A. What? What is one thing that you haven't checked off your bucket list yet? David Millili: Asia, like Japan, China I've been all over South America. I've been all over Europe. I've been to India, but I've not been to. I've, I've not been to like Tokyo or Hong Kong or Singapore. Like those are places that, I just, I, I kind of, when I see the pictures, I'm pretty, as being a travel guy, as we, I'm just kind of fascinated by it, that just some of the pictures you see look unreal. So for me it's like I want to be in that picture, not looking at the picture. Steve Carran: Absolutely. All right. And then another question. How many likes do we need to get on LinkedIn for you to grow your hair out? As long as mine. David Millili: I did have a mullet during Covid because at the time I wanted a new job and I said I wasn't gonna cut my hair until I got a new job. Didn't really go over too well at home. So I would say we're just over 2000. So people are listening. If you can get us to 10,000, uh, by the end of the year, I will be more than happy. Uh, I mean, my hair was long enough during Covid where I could put it in a ponytail. I could actually do that. So anyway, so plus, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm old. Yeah. I'm, I'm, I'm old. So in the eighties I had the whole mullet already going on, so I got the pictures too for you. Steve Carran: I thought the number was gonna be much higher. I'm not gonna lie, 10,010,000 is absolutely a doable number. So Jon Bumhoffer: If you wanna see David with long hair, let's, uh, let's get it going. David Millili: Can I do a rat tail? Remember that? I dunno if you guys remember those where guys Jon Bumhoffer: do Steve Carran: You can do whatever you want. We hope you enjoy getting to know us a little better, and we're really looking forward to season two. If you think of someone who would be a great guest or even a great sponsor for us, feel free to message us on LinkedIn or shoot us an email at Hello. At The Modern Hotelier dot com. Also, if you haven't yet, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn, like and subscribe so we can see David with long hair on all of the places where you've listen and get all of your favorite podcasts. Thanks so much and have a great day.

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