Protecting Your Most Value Asset | with Ashok Patel

Protecting Your Most Value Asset | with Ashok Patel

Hoteliers, what is your most valuable asset?

Our guest this week strongly believes it's people (we agree). Ashok Patel is the Chief Development Officer at Jamsan Hotel Management and he joins the show to talk about why it's essential to protect your most valuable asset: your people.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • The importance of strategically thinking about the safety of your team
  • Some of the ways that Jamsan Hotel Management is using technology to help with risk mitigation
  • The cost savings that implementing risk mitigation can have
  • Why, these days, flexibility as an employer is required to attract and retain staff

This Episode is sponsored by WrkSpot: Your total hotel experience and a better way to manage and connect your people, processes, and properties.

Produced, edited, and published by Make More Media

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Ashok Patel

Chief Development Officer at Jamsan Hotel Management


David Millili

David on LinkedIn

Steve Carran

Steve on LinkedIn

The Modern Hotelier



Automatic Transcription - please excuse any errors

The Modern Hotelier - Episode #31 === David Millili: Who do we have on the program? Steve Carran: Yeah, David. Today we have on Ashok Patel. Ashok Patel is the Chief Development Officer at Janssen Hotel Management. Auk has over 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry, and today he's gonna share some insights on how he's handling risk mitigation as well as his thoughts on the industry. Welcome to the show at Shook. Ashok Patel: Hey, thanks guys for having me. Great to be here. David Millili: So the format of the program, we're gonna ask you some lightning round type questions. Get to know you a little bit better dive into your career, and then get your thoughts on the industry. Sound good? Ashok Patel: Absolutely David Millili: Okay, here we go. What was your worst job? Ashok Patel: My worst job would probably have been doing housekeeping in the hotel. David Millili: Are you a morning or a night person? Ashok Patel: I'm a morning person. David Millili: All right. Now, if you could only have three apps on your phone, you have to delete every other app, what three apps would you keep? Ashok Patel: It would be WhatsApp and my cricket app for following this board of cricket. And the phone itself, David Millili: All right. What emoji do you use the most? Ashok Patel: thumbs up? David Millili: Okay. What's your favorite band or singer? Ashok Patel: Uh, I don't know. I've, uh, I'm into a lot of kind of music. Nothing really as a favorite. I kind of listen to, uh, I would say something that's not favorite would be like heavy rock would not. David Millili: All right. That's fair enough. So what's your favorite place out of all the places you've traveled to? Ashok Patel: So far right. Favorite place? I would probably say my favorite place outta all the places, our hometown, our home farm, farm home in India. David Millili: Cool. Great. Ashok Patel: If I'm home and, um, if there's nothing happening and I got nothing to worry about, it's the most tranquil place on earth. David Millili: if you had your own talk show, who would be the first guest you, you would have on? Ashok Patel: Ah, that's a good question. Never thought of that. Hmm. It would have to be somebody that I, I really look up to. and, Obviously they may not be here today, but yeah, it'd be, it'd be one of the historical figures from our, country. it would be Moha. David Millili: If you had a time machine, you could travel into the future or into the past. What year would you go to? Ashok Patel: I would wanna go to the year I was born. David Millili: Oh, wow. All right. Cool. Great. Steve Carran: I love that. Awesome. Great, great job, Ashok. So now we'll learn a little bit more where you came from, things like that. So you went to high school in Flint, Michigan, is that correct? Ashok Patel: That is correct. I went to Carmen with high school at a outta Flint, Michigan, Genesee County, rather large high school class of probably, you know, like six, 700 at the. Steve Carran: Wow. did you grow up in, in Flint or did you grow up somewhere else? And, and how, how did that, Ashok Patel: really, Steve Carran: Ashok Patel: yeah, migration. I've, uh, was not born in Flint, actually born in India, but migrated here with the family, uh, at early age of 12. And, um, went to one year of middle school in Walham, Massachusetts. And then my dad and them moved to Michigan, for investment business related. So they took me along and I ended up in Flint, Michigan. Steve Carran: So how, how did that shape who you are today? You know, growing up in India, then moving to Massachusetts, Flint, Michigan. How did that, how did that shape who you are today? Ashok Patel: I think, um, I've gone to a lot of different schools, honestly, and seen a lot of different things. So in my, lifetime of schooling, I've gone to like six different. and I think part of that growing up and being in different environments and different places and different situations all the time at school level probably builds a tougher character, I feel like. And that's, that's really helped me to look at things in a different perspective. nothing's forever. Steve Carran: Absolutely. David Millili: So at Northeastern you were a network engineer. The city of Walton, what was that Ashok Patel: So I did my, yeah, I did my bachelor's at Northeastern University in Boston as a software engineer, but I did co-op, uh, with the City of Walham. was basically a city job within the IT department. worked there while, uh, probably three years, I think, sophomore, and then stayed on a couple years after. It was really good experience. got to learn a lot about city budgets and, what not to do. Steve Carran: All right, so, so now we're gonna do this new segment called What Do You Know About Waltham? All right. If you get this right, we'll donate $50 to your charity. All right? Do you know what Waltham's nickname is? Ashok Patel: What city? David Millili: Ooh. Ooh. Steve Carran: it is the watch city, Ashok Patel: I know that Steve Carran: Yes. All right, so we'll talk after this and, uh, get your favorite charity and we'll donate 50 bucks towards that. Well done. Hi. David Millili: So how did you end up at Jensen? Uh, hotel management. Ashok Patel: Jamson is our family company. it is established by my parents, uh, my uncles, in the mid nineties. Um, we are a family office, with investments in hotels, real estate. And many of the things today, you know, you know, we have office buildings, we've got Dunking Donuts, we've got, liquor stores, other things out there, technology company investments. So, but I really ended up, uh, in the company obviously as a family platform. So that's the of it. Steve Carran: Got. it. That's awesome. So now to dive in that a little bit more. Now, you're, you are the chief Development officer there. you obviously didn't start as the chief development officer 20 years ago. what different roles have you had as you've moved up into this position? Ashok Patel: I've, uh, worked everything in the hotels. Honestly. I grew up at a hotel, right? So in Flint, Michigan, where I grew up in high school years, my dad had a motel, in Flint. We still have it. Where it was all odd jobs, right? You used to work the front desk, you used to work housekeeping, you used to work maintenance, used to work, lawn mowing, you know, do, do some gardening outside. So whatever the job sort of called for, at the time was, you know, whatever the, the needs are, you do. And, and that's how we raised. So, honestly, on along the way, I've done many different things in hotels, from, like I said, from housekeeping to maintenance. Renovations to, you know, installing tiles, to drywall, to then, you know, obviously when, when I went to college and started looking at, uh, more of the office work and things like that. So, David Millili: so you guys operate over 50 hotels in the New England area. Can you tell us what makes, Jamson, unique, Ashok Patel: honestly, our hands-on approach. we've always been a hands-on deck kind of company. you know, I think that that stems from, the work ethic my parents put into us, and, and that's the culture we try to breed today. we have about 38 people in the corporate office and everybody understands that, you know, nobody can say, it's not my job, right? Because we all wanna make sure that we all do what we need to do. Um, although people have the responsibilities, but they're still on, call for helping with anything that's needed. And our approach to making, our employees and, and our guests the center. Of our focus versus profitability and, and comfort. Right. So Steve Carran: Would you say that's kinda your secret for success is having the people you know, your employees and your people at the center of everything, or is there, is there a. Ashok Patel: yeah, absolutely. I think having the right human capital is probably the most important capital you can have in any business. and we firmly believe that our human capital is the best human capital. Steve Carran: What type of growth have you seen? you know, David mentioned you're over 50 hotels now. What type of growth have you seen over the past few years? Ashok Patel: Actually, COVID was quite a shocker, right? Uh, we've never faced something, anything like Covid before. You know, you know, we went through the great depression of 2009,Modern Depression, I should say, not the Great Depression. but Covid was a different experience. Covid was something that, uh, really shook us to the. core We never went from having 80% occupancy to 2% occupancy in a matter of three days. and that was completely, eye-opening in terms of what could happen to the industry. And since we are trying to now mitigate such factors and, you know, better, better have my balance sheets and, and figure out a better way that we could take these kind of shocks if they were to happen. But since Covid has been good, right? I mean 2020 was slow, but 2021 and Beyond came back very strong in the hospitality sector. People have discovered a new love of travel that they never had before. Steve Carran: was there something that you learned from Covid that you know, like I guess maybe you didn't have down as good before, but now post Covid, you got it. Ashok Patel: the one thing that we all learned from Covid which is probably still,resonating with our original core value is, is that, that having your human capital, like I said earlier, the best human capital is what's gonna get you through all these difficult situations. And the fact that our corporate team. Stuck it with us, throughout Covid, nobody decided to say I'm gonna stay home. Nobody decided to say, I don't feel safe enough to come in. Everybody was all hands on deck to make happen whatever we needed to make happen during Covid and provide support to our, field teams. So again, going back to that, belief of having the best team. possible David Millili: 300%. So you have the hashtag live jamson on your LinkedIn profile. What does that mean? Ashok Patel: So I am a believer of, everybody should live life to their fullest and everybody should achieve what is maximum available to be achieved in their lifetime. And I've always told our team that, uh, you know, we should all live life to as fullest. and our motto is Livid Jamson Basical. Steve Carran: I love that. I love that. Awesome. So now we're kind of onto the, the last section here. Your more your industry thoughts, you know, how you're handling things at Janssen. what do you feel like right now is one of the biggest challenges in the industry? Ashok Patel: Number one challenge right now labor. Obviously we have seen that after post covid. It's been the number one problem in the hospitality sector, service sector in general. Where a combination of issues such as immigration, lack of, uh, temporary visas, lack of work visas, seasonal visas, and whatnot and, and people quitting. the service industry at a great, great, rate has hurt the industry in terms of getting help that is needed. And I think the estimates like over 10 million people have left the service industry for. And we're now trying to replace those 10 million people with other 10 million people, it's not coming fast enough. So the labor problem has been probably the number one challenge post-COVID and we continue to, address that challenge. We have done several things that are probably sort of industry, agnostic things, which we used to do before as well, which are more related to, Hey, you know, can we provide meaningful housing? what else can we provide to our teammates so that we can attract them to come work in the service industry again David Millili: Good news. There was a report today that 72,000, leisure and hospitality jobs were added in the month of March, and that was the largest sector. you know, the second was healthcare, but, so at least we're, we're starting to move in the right direction. Ashok Patel: We're starting to move in the right direction. Yes, absolutely. and, it's been easing out the last couple of months have been a little bit better than last year. Last couple of months. Right. So like if you look at, the first three months in 2022 versus the first three months in 2023, I think that there's a stark difference in availability and willingness of people to come back to the. So obviously it is moving the right direction. I think it's just always, you ask the Hotelier, right? Hey, is it moving fast enough? No. You know so, David Millili: it's true. Steve Carran: How is Jamson, are you doing anything special to attract that top talent? Ashok Patel: so we've been, we've been doing, you know, we've been doing our standard benefits, we've been doing some special benefits. You know, we've been doing some housing that, that, that we've been providing some housing to our teammates because that seems to be the big challenge. We are providing career paths for, for, for young hospitality workers where we can take them from, from a front desk agent or, or a housekeeping personnel to a assistant GM or a GM level. anything that we can do to help career, uh, grow, uh, mentor people, to grow their. Also providing flexibility in the scheduling. I think that's number one thing needed today. People now looking for that typical eight to five, you know, seven to three, whatever, eight hour shift jobs they're looking for, Hey, can I work three hours? Can I work four hours? Can I work two hours? That kind of stuff. So I think we're all recognizing those trends and providing whatever flexibility there is needed to to get people on board. Steve Carran: Are there any technologies that are kind of helping you out with this? I know, offline we kind of spoke about risk mitigation a little bit, but are there any technologies that are kind of helping you with training and, you know, scheduling and risk mitigation? Ashok Patel: Absolutely. Yeah. There's several, pieces of technology that we have deployed in the last couple years of, of post covid hotel operations. You know, one is being Wrkspot um, Which has a lot of, encompassing ecosystems within the platform that seems to be very tech-driven and sort of tomorrow's technology today kind of feeling. And, we are hoping that we can, we can interest all the young, workforce of America to be interested in that, in that platform and in that sort of technology where they can see. Their work schedules and they can see time off. You know, they can request time off and they can, you know, they can pretty much do everything HR related, work related on one mobile app basically. So that's been a good, good help. Steve Carran: Awesome. So they're able to reduce those integrations that you have and help save your money as well. Ashok Patel: Absolutely. Yep. David Millili: So talking about Wrkspot, have you heard any stories from employees that stand out or anything that you've heard that you know how they feel safer or helped them in certain situations? That the technology has helped? Ashok Patel: Absolutely. So people have been reading about, you know, hotel service industry, obviously, um, you know, guest targeted, for hotel, guest violence and, and, you know, inappropriate treatments of, of our employees in the, in the workspace. And the technology provided by Wrkspot, which is sort of on the spot, location, realtime audio, video availability, all this latest and the greatest, which is available to the associate to have there as a tool to have this as a alerting mechanism, which is really helping, female associates in part. this is really helping them to feel safe in the workspace, to, to, to feel like, Hey, listen, somebody's always gonna be, getting my back if I'm in trouble. So Steve Carran: Sure. And that is real time tracking, as you said as well. So you can actually see where employees are going in the hotel. Ashok Patel: Platform has amazing 2D and 3D maps built in of your building, of your hotel. it can tell you pinpoint accuracy, where that associate is, where they've been and what sort of a, emergency or panic that they have, uh, been, accounted for. So I think, you know, it's got all these real-time iot based technology that is part of that system, which is really helping to, reduce the anxiety of workplace safety. Right. Steve Carran: and especially I guess, you know, in today's time what we're seeing is, you know, more violence in hotels and more situations arising. so that has to be particularly important to you as, as you have a family company Ashok Patel: yeah, absolutely. And I've said, and I've said earlier, right? I think human capital is the most important capital, right? So we back to mantra after your people. Steve Carran: absolutely. David Millili: Is there any advice you would give to other hotels about risk mitigation? Ashok Patel: I believe that everybody should be looking at some solution to, to provide to their employees and their teammates in the field. you know, there's many solutions on the market. You know, we have experimented with many of them, and after a great deal of experimentation and, and implementation and, and homework, we've come up with this platform as being the. Holistic solution for back office, hotel digi digital experience. from everything from HR to employee tracking, to employee safety, to chat, live chat, translation, audio, video, everything's in there. I mean, you name it. everything that we used to do, like Excel sheets and, manual photos and, and logs and things like. Are all sort of digitized into one E. David Millili: That's great. So you're, you're a large. 50 plus hotels. there's a lot of cost obviously, operating your hotels. Do you have any suggestions for, you know, these smaller hotels or, or smaller groups on how they can manage that cost? Ashok Patel: I think the key in any hotel operation is, is, is looking at the best effective tools you can deploy. to me, deploying the effective tools will result in proper yield of profits results, right? So, you know, when we were looking at technologies to be deployed into the workspace, you know, we were looking at things that would actually help us in terms of our insurance cost reduction, in terms of our HR cost reduction, you know, workman's comp insurance, for example. I think these are some of the cost items, which are rising every single day. And if there's platforms and tools that you can deploy, which actually help you to reduce your insurance costs, I think those should be looked at first. And Wrkspot has, you know, on average been saving about five to 7% on, on workman's comp and liability insurance, with this technology embedded, into the. Steve Carran: Just for using it. Ashok Patel: so if you can tell your insurance company that we have this sort of available technology deployed in the workspace, the insurance company is able to take a look at those platforms and provide you with some savings because they know that some risk is gonna be mitigated as part of using the ecosystem. Steve Carran: Awesome. So, so did you talk to your insurance company before signing up with Wrkspot or was that just kind of an added Ashok Patel: So we were kind of hand in hand thinking about that and we said, Hey, listen, what are the most common problems we face in in workman's comp? Right? So I think, I think we have a list of 20 years of history in terms of what kinda issues we're facing all the time. And, and, and same thing with guest liability, right? You, you know, people have slip and falls all the time. People have, Hey, I, I, I fell in the bathroom, or I fell my door locked, didn't work or xyz. You know, these, these kinda issues happen all the time and people report them. I think the most common problem that we have seen in our industry is the lack of evidence, right? You don't have enough evidence of the incident happened. perhaps the lawsuit comes like two years later. By that time, That particular maintenance man has already moved on another job that GM has gone to another position, and, and nobody knows what happened. Nobody has any accurate details of that incident happening two years ago. So the insurance company just goes out to the, to the guest and says, Hey, we're just gonna settle it for X amount of money cuz we don't have any inform, you know, we have no concrete information from two years ago. With a system like Wrkspot, you have the ability to capture all that stuff in real. And capture it in a way that it can be preserved for future use in a case that may come up. And I think having these kind evidence, you know, evidence in hand will greatly enhance the, the attorneys working on settling the case to have some ammunition, right? Steve Carran: Mm-hmm. And the first thing I thought of was just the amount of paperwork that you have. I'm assuming everything, everything's digitized with Ashok Patel: I agree with you. Hundred percent. Yeah, we can, Steve Carran: Ashok Patel: you know, we can work on paper, you know, paperwork reduction act, I think definitely. Yeah. This is the, this is one for the win. Steve Carran: sure. I just pictured you behind Barry behind a bunch of paper for workman's comp and stuff like that. Ashok Patel: Digitization is the way, is the name of the game because, you know, you can't scan up enough documents all the time. Right. So you, you need to be able to storm digitally some. And not actually have to print everything all the time, so David Millili: no, that, that savings is incredible cuz I don't, being in, in the industry a long time and obviously. panic buttons and, and employee safety have kind of come to the forefront, especially with the labor issues you've spoke, spoken about. I don't think many hotels even know or think about that cost savings in their insurance when they look at platforms. So that's a, that's an excellent point. Ashok Patel: Yeah, I think we're, you know, this is sort of an early adoption thing right now where like panic and, you know, associate shift safety has been in the news like about since Covid broke. I think it was kind of in the news and then everybody took a step back because Covid was kind of helm. But now that, that things are behind us and we are looking forward to, you know, the betterment of the hotel industry, I think these things become gonna become a reality. So I always told people, like, we have many friends in the industry. I said, guys, the best thing you can do is be an early adopter. Get a solution in place, get some things going for yourself and the, and the best practice in the business so that you can be a trendsetter in terms of, Hey, this is what we have and this is how we like to operate our business and this is how we mitigate. And that'll help you because, you know, that's what we did with our insurance company. You know, you know, we told them this is what we are doing today. What's versus what we were doing 10 years ago and how this is better today with all this, you know, digital records being available all the time. You know, which are, which are not going to get lost by the maintenance person moving away, or the GM moving away, or, you know, why, you know, like whatever happens in the industry, people move right. Steve Carran: And you mentioned you're, you're kind of ahead of the curve on this one. have we seen, I guess, other people mandating things like panic alarms? Are, Are, we seeing, are we seeing that happen in the industry? Ashok Patel: absolutely. So, Hilton Marriott are obviously the two big, big brands in the, in the business have been at the forefront of requiring panic safety solutions for their associates. And it is going to be a requirement. I can tell you in the next couple years, it's gonna be a requirement by all of the brands. and a l a has been, has been at the forefront of fighting this because, you know, since, since the whole Chicago incident, there was some really gruesome violence that happened in, in a, in a few Chicago hotels and that kind of led to American Hotel Associa. You know, sort of leading the charge on making this industry safer. Right? So I think that's been sort of the back backbone of this. David Millili: Yeah. Well I love, what I love about what you guys are doing is that you were proactive and what normally happens is there has to be something horrific that happens before people address. The issue. And I think that's, uh, you know, kind of hats off to you guys for being proactive and, and making sure that you were ahead of it. And, you know, we weren't sitting here talking about, oh, this horrible thing happened, so we had to get this technology. And unfortunately, I think that's how some, some owners, operators think that way. So, Ashok Patel: We actually knock on wood, I, I can say that in the 25 years of in the business, we've not had a single incident that is in that nature of horrific category. I'm very happy to always be on top of it and figure out a way that we can keep our people safe. David Millili: So as you look at our industry, you know, we talked about attracting talent, and you know, obviously the numbers are out and we're, you know, obviously we're, we're ramping up. Is there a successful trait that you've seen, in people in your company or in the industry, in, in general that make them successful? Ashok Patel: I think think con, you know, consistency and being friendly. are The only things needed in the hotel industry. You don't have to have a rocket science degree. you don't need to be very highly educated. we are always looking for people who are people, persons and I always tell my guys in the field I say guys, we can hire the attitude of serving people and we can always teach them the skillset. I don't wanna hire for the skillset because I can't teach attitude, you know? Steve Carran: Absolutely. David Millili: Yeah, you're, right I mean, it's amazing and I always say it's funny, people forget. That the word hospital is inside hospitality. And I always equate, I always equated that growing up, that, when you're in a hospital, you want to be taken care of and you want people to, help you and to your point, if you don't have that attitude, this is not the business for you. Whether you're owning a hotel, running a hotel, working at the hotel, selling into the hotel. Yeah. If you don't, have that gene, then just go, somewhere else. Ashok Patel: Yeah. That's why I think our, I, you know, all our HR guys know that we're always gonna hire the attitude and we can always teach the skillset. Like I said, I think, you know, teaching a skillset is not that difficult in the hotel industry, attitude, you can't teach. Steve Carran: I think there, there's nothing more that can get your, stay off to a. I guess a subpar start, like, you're excited to be at this hotel, you're traveling, and then you like go to the front desk and this person just like, does not enjoy what they're doing right now. And it's like, no, I'm excited. You should be excited for me. Ashok Patel: That's right. Steve Carran: So I I totally, I love that the, the consistency and the friendly attitude too. I love that. That's awesome. So, one question for you. You know, one thing that we've seen kind of make its way. Into the hotel world is, the metaverse and, and AI now has kind of come on strong here over the past few months with chat G P T and all that. How do you think those things are gonna change or I guess, evolve the industry? Ashok Patel: honestly, technology has its place, right? I mean, technology is gonna change how we live our life in the future. Absolutely. But I feel. The experience of traveling and the experience of being in a place and the experience of actually feeling where you are, I don't know if that entirely can be replaced with ai. I feel that, that, post covid people have sort of relearned. The experience, desire, right? people want to feel the experience. Right? And we have seen that by, you know, we've seen that by, by the data that we have today. you know, historical performance of occupancy everywhere. The rates have been very high because it's very high demand on hotels in certain areas because people want experience, right? I, I don't think that ai, listen, AI is great for a lot of things. But I don't feel like that Metaverse and those guys are gonna replace us in the hotel industry as service people. I think that's gonna be here to stay for a long time. Steve Carran: I agree with you. I agree. Awesome. So now we have our last question for you. It's, it's gonna come from producer John. He's been, he's been sitting here listening. So, uh, John, you have any question? One question for, for a Shook here, since you've been listening. Jon Bumhoffer: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So, uh, you said that housekeeping was your least favorite job, but you grew up your whole life working in hotels, regardless of the pay. What is your favorite position to work in a hotel? Ashok Patel: I think the most mundane and the, my favorite position to work with is probably gonna be front desk, because I get to meet new people every single day. Jon Bumhoffer: That's really cool. Nice. Ashok Patel: and people take that and say, listen, I think, and, you know, greeting new people every single day, learning about where they're coming from, where they're going, how the travel's impacting them. I think that's something can, can really be a revolutionized experience for somebody who wants to be in the hotel industry. Steve Carran: A hundred percent. I love that. And I think that's why David and I enjoy this podcast so much is we get to enjoy, get to know people like you and all of our awesome guests. I love that. Ashok Patel: Absolutely. It's, it's a, in hospitality is a very, and, and we, and we have many people, honestly, guys like we have, I have so many stories within our company that, that people came at a housekeeping level, entry level jobs with us and. Five, seven years later because of their consistency and, and, and attitude towards getting better and better and better. They have made manager, right? I mean, we, we have so many stories like that. Um, I can tell you. So, you know, I think housekeeping is an entry point, right? As always say like maybe the hardest job in the hotel, but it's an entry point into, into a great career. if you choose to make itself, Steve Carran: Especially if you're keeping your housekeeper safe, right? Ashok Patel: that's all. It's absolutely, absolutely. You know, most of the jobs are work by females, I think, right? So I think in, in the industry, most of the inkeeper jobs are mostly female jobs, and, and I think having a safe work environment is utmost important for that. So, David Millili: Yeah. It's true. Steve Carran: I agree a hundred percent. David Millili: So let us know how we can find out about, uh, your properties, uh, plug away. Let us know what's, if there's a good, uh, we know you have a lot of branded properties, if you wanna plug away some brands or how people can find your properties or Ashok Patel: Absolutely. We have, yeah, most of our hotels on our website, right? So if you can go to, um, www dot jamson us, you'll see that most of our portfolio hotels are there. Um, majority of a flag hotels are in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont. We have recently entered Florida is our first investment in Florida, into the hospitality sector. So we've been wanting to invest in Florida for a long time and we have acquired our first hotel just outside of Orlando and Lake Mary Hyatt Place in, in Lake Mary. So we know we're gonna be looking some more investments in Florida in the coming years and obviously continue to expand our base in new. David Millili: That's great. Well, that does it for another episode of The Modern. Hotelier. We thank you. You're a great guest and uh, we appreciate your time. Ashok Patel: Absolutely guys. Thank you Steve. Thank you David. John, thank you for keeping us all in check. thanks. Thanks for having me. Steve Carran: Thanks a. Ashok Patel: Yep. Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by Work Spot. Work Spot is the only software platform to combine multi-brand portfolio oversight. Labor and workforce management, operations, communication, employee safety, and risk mitigation into an all-in-one solution. Digitize your workflows and communications within and across properties, giving you total visibility in one place. You'll create a more efficient operation with a better equipped workforce and ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Find out how work spot can be your total hotel experience.

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